Thanksgiving Cubes

I enjoy rolling the Thanksgiving Cubes and speaking words of gratitude before a meal. They were used last year at Community Celebration (MMMM) and are fun, simple and positive.
It is a simple ritual we inherit from our ancestors in faith: the pause between the seed, sower, harvest, kitchen preparation and eating together at table.


I enjoy rolling the Thanksgiving Cubes and speaking words of gratitude before a meal. They were used last year at Community Celebration (MMMM) and are fun, simple and positive.
It is a simple ritual we inherit from our ancestors in faith: the pause between the seed, sower, harvest, kitchen preparation and eating together at table. The thank-you to Creator for so many blessings, of relationships and abundance. The caring for those who need us to share from our table for their necessities.
I saw on the kitchen counter the strawberries transformed into jam from a donation (Harvest Montréal). Two mason jarspacked with love from our Kitchen co-ordinator, ready for our Breakfast Club children.
Thanksgiving is powerful: it blesses forward, it changes attitudes and touches those who hear it! Let it roll!!!
Happy Thanksgiving,
Bonne Actions de Grâces!
Alléluia, Amen.
Rev. David


As you Gather,

There is so much going on in the world, devastating hurricanes, shootings in Edmonton, and Las Vegas. In places where people go to relax and have fun. It is easy to lose hope, easy to give up.

We can't lose hope. Good will always win, love will always win. There is a lot of good and good people in the world. Lets not lose sight of this. Focus on HOPE, shine the light on yourself and on someone else.

A 14 year old washed my car and shone his light on me!

Make yourself feel good so that you can make someone else feel good. This Thanksgiving be thankful, be grateful, have hope, make someone happy.

Have a hopeful thanksgiving.

Gobble Gobble !!

Thank-you to Legion #4 for their generous donation of dishware and their continued support of non-perishables for our Self serve shelves and Libre-Frigo; and Cadets 2800 Verdun for helping to load up the SUV with heavy boxes of dishware.

