
Health and Wellness Fair May 31



SouthWest representatives will be on hand this Thursday for the Health and Wellness Fair in Verdun. We will share a table with our partners from Un plant de tomate à la fois so people can learn about our programs. We will be offering apples from our Mini-market in the interest of keeping the doctor away! Please note the following details from our partners at CCS:


This Thursday, May 31st, CCS and the Anglo Family Council will be hosting our fourth annual Health and Wellness Fair at Epiphany’s green space – 4322 Rue Wellington. Come check out the fun as Promenade Wellington kicks off it’s Sidewalk Sale!

Between 1pm-4pm we will have hourly demos, raffle draws, healthy snacks and tables full of information regarding local health and social services. All are welcome – free admission. Please note the change that Zumba will be at 1pm and Chair Yoga will be at 2pm.

Drop by Epiphany a bit early, and catch their community lunch from 12pm-1pm – a yummy pasta dish will be served up by the awesome teams at Epiphany and Reclaim Literacy, for a suggested donation of $2.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Le jeudi 31 mai, CCS et l'Anglo Family Council accueillerons notre quatrième salon de la santé et du bien-être, dans l'espace extérieur de l'Épiphanie, au 4322 rue Wellington. Venez nous visiter dans le contexte de la vente trottoir printanière de la Promenade Wellington.  

Entre 13h et 16h, nous présenterons des démonstrations à chaque heure, des tirages au sort, des collations santé et des tables pleines d'informations sur les services sociaux et de santé locaux. Tous sont les bienvenus. Activité gratuite. S'il vous plaît noter le changement que Zumba sera à 13h et le yoga sur chaise sera à 14h.

Vous êtes invités à venir visiter l'Épiphanie un peu plus tôt et ainsi participer à un dîner communautaire entre midi et 13h, où un succulent repas de pâtes vous sera servi par les impressionnantes équipes de l'Épiphanie et de Reclaim Literacy. Une contribution de 2$ est suggérée.

Au plaisir de vous y rencontrer!

Jillian Ritchie
Manager - Network and Community Social Health
CCS Collective Community Services
451 Ave De L’Église, Suite 200
Montreal, QC, H4G 2M6
(514) 937-5351, ext 245

Markers at the ready: it's Bingo time!

Get ready for Bingo next Saturday, June 2nd. They'll be serving hotdogs. Cost at the door is $5, which gets you your first bingo card and a ticket for the (cash) door prize. Additional bingo cards can be bought for 50 cents. Doors open at 12:00, play begins at 1PM. Please note that this is in the basement of the church, at 1445 rue Clemenceau in Crawford Park. This will be the last monthly Bingo game until September, so don't miss it!

Invitation from our Muslim Neighbours

The Muslim holy month of Ramadan, during which most Muslims fast during daylight hours and break their fast with celebratory meals after dark, began on May 16th and continues through June 14th. Our Verdun Islamic Centre is inviting us into one of these celebrations during Ramadan. All are welcome. Let's live our diversity as community together. 
The food is provided but we can contribute desserts for this event.
Please circulate the  invitation below and ask people who wish to attend to confirm their presence by calling 438-936-3038

David Lefneski
President, Anglo Family Council
Minister & Community Leader


Invitation: Celebrate Iftar with us

Each year the Muslim community all over the world celebrates the month of Ramadan with spiritual activities that encourage people to exercise values in their lives and to apply it among themselves. What’s special about this month is that rituals are not performed by people alone, but  rather it brings people together to share good feelings. It brings to Muslims state of peace and love like your Christian Christmas. We gather at the main meal when we break the fast after sunset each day in Ramadan, and we make sure to share these happy hours with the ones we love and care for the most.

As a united community, as family and friends, it is our pleasure to invite you to our community dinner (Iftar) on Saturday, May 26th at 8:45 pm in the Islamic Centre of Verdun.

We hope that you would come to our Iftar, as your presence would add happiness and joy to the event and sharing together these occasions, that are originally a family gathering, would make us a real family.


Ayman Abouseada
Administrative coordinator
MAC-Islamic Center of Verdun
4538 rue de Verdun, H4G 3G3
Next to Metro station Verdun

Community Notes

Scottish history in Quebec:

The Sons of Scotland are planning a Bus Trip to Gould Quebec in the Eastern Township on July 11th. Tickets are $30.00, which includes a Scottish Buffet Lunch  and a Guided Tour of Gould.

200 Scottish immigrants arrived from the Isle of Lewis in 1838 and settled in the Village of Victoria near Gould, so the tour should be very interesting.

A Buffet Lunch of Scottish Cuisine will be served at the Gould Rush Inn at 12:30.

The Bus leaves at 8:00 A.M. from the Champlain Mall near Tim Horton's and will arrive at Gould

at 10:30. Leaving Gould around 2:30 P.M.

If anyone is interested please contact Lorna Joannette at 514-761-1342. Cut-off date to purchase tickets is June 1st.

Spring Fling wrap-up

Last Saturday's Spring Bazaar made over $1,000.00 Thank you to all who helped by donating items, time, money and energy.

Sharron O’Reilly was the lucky person to take home the Pantry Basket prepared by Kathy O’Halloran that was raffled off, raising $118 for Benevolence! Thanks Kathy for your creative contribution!  Sharron 's name was also drawn for the chiffon citrus cake! Margaret Mercer's name was drawn for the surprise bucket! See photos of the day below.

Drivers wanted!

In the interest of spring cleaning at the Mission we are looking for people with cars to help take things to Renaissance on Wellington. Ten people doing one trip each would be a lot easier than one person doing ten or more loads! Call the office ahead of time to make sure someone will be here to help load up your vehicle. Thanks!

Spring Fling Bazaar/ Bazar du printemps

Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 12 at the Mission. Come shop for treasures new and used; Local artisans will be plying their wares; Enjoy the snack bar. It's the day before Mother's Day: bring your mom! Let's celebrate spring! 631 Melrose ave., corner Verdun.

Anyone interested in helping out in any way, please contact Sheila Morrison, (514) 762-9940,

A vos agendas! Le samedi 12 mai, des trouvailles vous attendent à la Mission du Sud-ouest. Des artisans du coin offriront leurs créations; livres, jeux, articles ménagers d'occasion; Casse-croûte. Apportez maman, c'est son weekend à elle! Au 631 rue Melrose, coin av. Verdun.


Community Notes


Mission volunteer Frank (on the right) was recognized at Dawson Boys and Girls Club's Volunteer appreciation evening for his support on behalf of SouthWest of the Un Plant de Tomate à la fois project in which SouthWest is a partner. Way to go, Frank!


This is the bench painted for the Mission by by youth from the rainbow Umbrella that now provides a cheery welcome to all visitors. A similar one will soon be installed at Verdun City Hall.

This is the bench painted for the Mission by by youth from the rainbow Umbrella that now provides a cheery welcome to all visitors. A similar one will soon be installed at Verdun City Hall.


Congratulations to Natalie Miron and the young people of LGBTQ rainbow Umbrella. One of their Rainbow Benches is being installed at the Verdun Borough Hall. Representatives of the borough participated in the creation of the eye-catching bench which symbolizes the importance of creating inclusive, welcoming spaces. The mayor and members of council will be on hand for the inauguration of this bench on May 17th at 1PM, in the entrance hall at 4555 Verdun ave.

Bingo May 5th

That eagerly awaited first-Saturday-of-the-month is nearly here, and it`s supposed to be a beautiful day! Get ready for Bingo this Saturday, May 5th. Cost at the door is $5, which gets you your first bingo card and a ticket for the (cash) door prize. Additional bingo cards can be bought for 50 cents. Doors open at 12:00, play begins at 1PM and refreshments are available (donations gratefully accepted). Please note that this is in the basement of the church, at 1445 rue Clemenceau in Crawford Park. Good luck!

Community Notes

SouthWest Spring Fling
We are planning a Spring Fling Bazaar on Saturday May 12 at the Mission. Volunteers needed and welcomed! We are renting tables for artisans to sell their wares! Foodie tables welcomed as well! 
Would you like to sponsor a table for someone or perhaps support the Spring Fling Snack Bar?All proceeds to support Breakfast club, SW Children special events, our food projects and supporting community in economically challenging times.
Mark your calendars. It's the day before Mother's day, so bring your mum!
Contact Sheila Morrison if you'd like to get involved. (514) 762-9940,

Spring Cleaning? 
We are looking for kitchen items and household items, appliances, tools, sports items, intact toys, games and puzzles for our Spring Fling Bazaar. Call ahead to drop off at the Mission on weekdays between 9 and 2. 

That eagerly awaited first-Saturday-of-the-month is nearly here! Get ready for Bingo, May 5th at the church! Cost at the door is $5, which gets you your first bingo card and a ticket for the (cash) door prize. Additional bingo cards can be bought for 50 cents. Doors open at 12:00, play begins at 1PM and refreshments are available (donations gratefully accepted). Please note that this is in the basement of the church, at 1445 rue Clemenceau in Crawford Park. Good luck!

Our self-serve fridge and pantry shelf are receiving a lot of traffic, to the point where the cupboard is often pretty bare. If ever you find yourself with non-perishables you won't use, or perishables maybe close to their expiry date, consider donating them to help feed the community. Drop off at the Mission weekdays between 9 and 2.

Welcome Wednesday
Our most recent Community Meal was enjoyed by over 90 people of all ages. Lunch continues every Wednesday through May and June, with a little break in July. Join us next Wednesday, May 2nd, and pay what you can!

Crocuses have been sighted in numerous locations around Verdun. We think it's safe to say that Spring is underway!

Meet 'n' Mix/ Méli-Mélo April 29

Once a month we gather in community to share a simple meal, a prayer, a game or activity, and lately: some drumming! We may not know exactly what we`re doing, but the drums are here, and kids and adults alike seem to be drawn to the "circle". 

This Sunday at Meli-Melo we will also be remembering the Battle of Ypres, fought in the First World War. The same afternoon, Rev. David will be at the Verdun Cenotaph (in front of borough hall) at 2:00pm as we partner with Legion #4 for the annual Ypres commemoration and parade. Rev. David  is the "Padre" for Legion #4.
