Minister's Message: The Ritual of Remembrance

There are many rituals that help express remembrance. A visit to the cemetery, the lighting of a candle, familiar music, a prayer, standing in silence.

In the history of the Jewish people is the story of the crossing of the Jordan river. The priests carried the Covenant Box and, as they put their feet into the river, its flow stopped, letting the people cross into the promised land. Joshua, Moses’ successor, ordered the placing of a monument: 12 rocks taken from the middle of the Jordan, one for each tribe, as a sign of this miracle.

These stones will remind you what the Lord has done. In the future, when your children ask what these stones mean to you, you will tell them what happened here. (Joshua 4: 6-7)

When your children ask: Why these stones? What does it mean to die? Where are my grandparents? Who are these soldiers? What is a Cenotaph? You tell what these symbols mean, who these photographs are, and talk about the connection we have to our past. You talk about the flow of the River of Life, from millennia past into years to come. You tell the story of faith.

Creating rituals of remembrance tells the stories of those we have known and loved. They root each generation in the history of those who have gone before. They remind us of the River’s constant flow and the vulnerability of our lives. And in the remembrance, its silence and symbolism is the security of knowing we are not alone. As God led our ancestors, God meets us today in the ebb and flow of our lives. As love carried them, it carries us.

When our children ask, Why these poppies? We tell of those lives remembered, of grandfathers, fathers, sisters, neighbours dying in far off places. We tell their stories through poetry, photos, personal memories, and we ritualize that remembrance by wearing a poppy and laying wreaths.

It was my honour to pray the following prayer at the Cenotaph in Verdun last Sunday and will be my privilege to participate at the Cenotaph service on Remembrance Day in Cowansville. This prayer comes from my experiences of pilgrimage to war cemeteries and memorials in Italy, France, Belgium and Germany and the 100th anniversary at Vimy Ridge in 2017. It honours my father, Ernest Lefneski (a WW2 five year veteran) Uncle Bill (killed when his plane was shot down over the English Channel) and grandfather, William Geddes (WW1). In the rituals of remembrance we keep alive the stories of those whose courage, faith and love are celebrated for each new generation.


Into this Remembrance we gather as citizens, neighbours and friends.
En ce moment de souvenirs nous nous rassemblons en tant citoyens, voisins et amis.

Each of us speaks in the prayer language of our hearts and within our human and faith traditions.
Chacun de nous parle le langue de prière de nos cœurs, et selon nos traditions humaines et de foi.

God, on this day, in our remembrance, listening and gratitude,
we determine for these now voiceless:

Dieu, en ce jour, dans le souvenir collectif, l'écoute et la gratitude,
nous nous engageons pour ceux qui n'ont plus de voix:

To speak for truth and justice,
to resist evil wherever it is found,
to seek peace always, in our words and in our deeds!

À parler pour la vérité et la justice,
à résister au mal, la où il se trouve,
à toujours rechercher la paix, en actes et en paroles!

Hear our prayer for all here remembered.
Entend notre prière pour tous ceux dont nous faisons mémoire.

Hear our prayer of peace for all peoples of our earth.
Écoute notre prière de paix pour tous les peuples de notre terre.


Lest we forget.


Rev. David


Rev. David prays at the Cenotaph in front of Verdun Borough hall last Sunday. 

Church Notes


Clemenceau has been paved. Work crews finished paving in the dark Thursday night at 6:30pm Thank-you roving reporter Vernon for the update!!!

As the days grow shorter, as the nights become longer and colder, the heart knows that this begins a time of turning inward, a time of rest, a time to conserve energy for the new growth, the new life which will burst forward, once again, with the turning of the season to spring. 
- DLM Beryl.

This season lets look at our personal commitments and energy as a faith community. Set some time aside to reflect individually and collectively on the resources we have and how we might offer them to our faith community.  It is time when we think about how we will commit our time, experience, insight and financial resources towards our ministry and leadership .
- Darlene Chair of Council

The next women's circle will be on Sunday November 11 following fellowship at the church at around 11:30 . It will be led by Beryl. With Hope and Remembrance within the circle.

Thank-you for all those contributing to our soup lunch last week following our Welcome Back Musical Sunday $96.00 was raised for Breakfast Club. Thank-you clean-up crew/AKA worship team for coordinating the return to the sanctuary.

Mini-marché 7 nov. / Mini-market Nov. 7

Many harvest goodies on sale next Wednesday at the Mission. Come by between 10:30 and 3:30. Welcome Wednesday lunch is served at 12:30. Your donations allow it to continue!

De la bonté de la récolte en vente mercredi prochain à la Mission. Passez entre 10h30 et 15h30. N’oubliez pas que le dîner est servi à 12h30. Vos dons généreux nous permettent de continuer à offrir ces repas.

SouthWest Music: Remembrance and Hope

For the important service on Sunday November 11, SouthWest Music has planned some special music involving the choir - with friends and guests well-known to our community. Octavio, Katherine, Roman and Justin will all be with us, and someone I look  forward to introducing to you: Jenna Dennison. She is a young composer, pianist, and bagpiper and she lives in Verdun. She has arranged In Flanders Fields to a celebrated piece of music by Purcell for our singers, violin and tuba, and it really is very beautiful.

The service will blend traditional music with thoughtful contrasts, and we hope you come to listen, remember and reflect with us.

Minister's Message: We Remember

I heard a voice saying,

“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord for they rest from their labours.”  (Revelation 14:13)

 I have always found the most challenging of seasons the transition of the summer to fall. The darkening days, more layers of clothing, no more sandals. I am particularly sad to put my garden to bed for the coming winter, this year more than ever as it is my last winter in my house. Is it true that with endings there are new beginnings?

This is a season of remembering, of living transitions, of letting go. I have enjoyed the incredible colours of the fall foliage as I travel through the hills near Cowansville. Spectacular vistas. Leaves are at their most vibrant just before they die and fall to the earth to compost into the soil that will nurture future growth.

We remember that on the night of October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the castle church door in Wittenberg, Germany, beginning what became known as the Protestant Reformation. Luther chose this night knowing that people would be attending church the next day – All Saints Day – and would read his statements that would disturb the religious status quo.

We remember the saints with Christians from around the world at All Saints (November 1). This term as used in the New Testament refers to Christians collectively, as well as those people of special significance who have been set apart by the church or canonized. Many cemeteries have special memorials, as do hospitals and residences around this time of year.

We remember the ending of two great wars and the millions who died in these and other conflicts, both military and civilian. On November 11 ceremonies, wreaths and poppies are a part of our gratitude and solemn gatherings.

In the midst of these is All Hallows’ Eve, the eve of All Saints that over time became shortened to Halloween. Tracing its roots to an ancient Celtic day of the dead known as Samhain this more commercial North American costuming is for most simply an enjoyable relief to the darkening days and changing season.

The fall colours, so beautiful and so fleeting, mirror the cycle of our lives and the challenge of our grief, which is to remember, to treasure, and also to let go. As Christians we know this cycle of endings and new beginnings. We celebrate a hope rooted in Christian faith where death does not have the final word, where there is a rest from labours for those who have died. God holds them close in grace and we in a holy remembrance in our hearts.

Remembrance roots us with gratitude in the past but gives us courage to change the world as peace makers who follow Jesus’ vision of inclusion and love.

Sylvia Dunstan wrote a lovely hymn of remembrance in Voices United 494, Those Hearts We Have Treasured (often sung to the tune of Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus!):

Those hearts that we have treasured,
those lives that we have shared,
those loves that walked beside us,|
those friends for whom we've cared,
              their blessing rests upon us,
              their life is memory,
              their suffering is over,
              their spirits are set free.

They still give hope and comfort,
they did not lose the fight,
they showed us truth and goodness,
they shine into our night.

                Remember days of gladness;
                remember times of joy;
                remember all the moments
                that grief can not destroy.

 In this season of remembrance we give thanks and trust in God.

Rev. David


SouthWest Children’s Christmas Celebration: Seeking Stocking Stuffers!

For eleven years now, SouthWest Mission in Verdun has focused its energy on reaching out to the community. Once again this December, we are organizing a Christmas Celebration for approximately 100 children in the Verdun area.

Our goal this year is to provide each child with a Christmas stocking that they will “stuff” themselves. At the party, children will participate in fun-in-the-spirit of Christmas activities that in return will give to others (i.e. prepare a Christmas card or message for someone in a seniors’ residence) and then have the opportunity to select “stocking stuffers” for their own stocking.

 In order to make this happen, we are looking for donations of NEW and GENTLY USED stocking stuffers: action figurines, Barbies, games, colouring books, legos,  candies, new mitts and socks… anything that could fit in a stocking! We’re asking you to go through your toy boxes and see what you might pass along. Or what about setting up a box at your workplace? Donations will be received at church on Sunday, or at the Mission during activities there. It’s never a bad idea to call ahead.


Minister's Message: When nothing remains the same: Thou remainest!

You, Master, started it all,
laid earth's foundations,
then crafted the stars in the sky.
Earth and sky will wear out, but not you;
they become threadbare like an old coat;
You'll fold them up like a worn-out cloak,
and lay them away on the shelf.
But you'll stay the same, year after year;
you'll never fade, you'll never wear out.

(Hebrews 1: 10-12, The Message)


I write this blog post to both SouthWest and Emmanuel. In the new reality of sharing my ministry I am experiencing the challenges of reconfiguring time, energy, priorities and being in two very different locations. I am also trusting the new application on my phone called Waze that guides me through the ever changing configurations of traffic jams, bridge closures and rush hour. I am learning to trust that this app can see things that I cannot, from satellite and other unseen locations. It certainly demands me to trust that “it” will get me through to where I need to be.

I need to trust God in the midst of reconfigured ministry, to believe that living one day at a time leads me forward. And that God is worthy of my trust, even when I cannot see a final outcome.

To get to the South Shore from my home in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce adds that extra time that makes what could be an hour commute between SouthWest and Emmanuel into much more. Into the changing realities of life and ministry I have put my house on the market and imagine a relocation outside of the metropolitan area of Montreal where I have lived for some forty years. I am both nervous and excited. I need to better navigate between two locations. And make a choice for my future years.

In the King James Bible that my father read diligently every day, the core text from Hebrews reads:

They shall perish, they shall all wax old
as doth a garment, but thou remainest

I love that affirmation of faith.

One of the strong hymns of my youth is the classic Welsh one, familiar in music and speaking to my spirit in the midst of more life changes. It tells of journey and of pilgrimage and roots me in the faith of my ancestors.

      Guide me, O thou great Jehovah,
      pilgrim through this barren land.
      I am weak, but thou art mighty,
      hold me with thy powerful hand.
      Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
      feed me till I want no more,
      feed me till I want no more.

      Open now the crystal fountain,
      whence the healing stream doth flow;
      let the fire and cloudy pillar
      lead me all my journey through.
      Strong deliverer, strong deliverer,
      be thou still my strength and shield,
      be thou still my strength and shield.

(VU # 651, William Williams, 1745)

Guide-moi, Berger fidèle,
en ce monde pèlerin,
prends à toi mon cœur rebelle,
guide-moi, sois mon soutien,
pain de vie, pain de vie,
de ta grâce nourris-moi,
de ta grâce nourris-moi.

Christ, tu es la source vive
des biens les plus précieux;
fais que pour toi seul je vive,
guide-moi du haut des cieux;
viens, protège, viens protège,
sois mon roc, mon bouclier,
sois mon roc, mon bouclier.


I’m going to supper with my sons to talk about a changing landscape of relocation and giving up a house and neighbourhood they have known for 23 years. I anticipate hearing from them: Make the best choice for you, you have our love and support, we will visit you no matter where you live Dad. And I anticipate the same sentiment between us as we individually and collectively discern future steps and decisions.

God is our bedrock,

                        our foundation,

                                    our hope.

Even when all changes: Thou remainest!


Rev. David



Return to Church Oct. 28!

We're heading home! After almost two months at the Mission, Sunday services are returning to SouthWest United Church, 1445 rue Clemenceau in Crawford Park. Start time also returns to 10AM.

Come celebrate this Sunday with a service filled with wonderful music, the universal language. The building will be warm, clean and inviting, on the inside at least! Musicians include Roman Fraser (violin) and Joshua Morris (cello).
Simple lunch of soup, bread and apple dessert after the service.
Proceeds from the freewill donation will go to support the SouthWest-Verdun Elementary School Breakfast Club

Venez célébrer avec nous notre retour à l’église – on a hâte! Malgré les travaux à l’extérieur, l’intimité, la chaleur et une merveilleuse ambiance nous attend à l’intérieur. Les musiciens : Roman Fraser (violon) et Joshua Morris (violoncelle) préparent un programme tout a fait extraordinaire !

Après la célébration: de la soupe, du pain et un dessert.
Il y aura un don volontaire pour soutenir le Club des petits déjeuners a l’école primaire Verdun Elementary.
