
Verdun Triathlon: Streets closed August 12


Sunday August 12 is the Verdun Triathlon. There will be street closings, but worship will go on at SouthWest United at the usual time. Lasalle Boulevard will be closed its length, but access will be open from Champlain Boulevard via Leclair and Crawford streets. Bus routes may be disrupted and parking will be prohibited on some streets (not Clemenceau). Even walkers may find their usual routes blocked, but we have received assurances from the organizers that worshippers should ask volunteers for help to safely cross the bike route.

Find out more at:

Below is a letter from the borough to Crawford residents, and a map of the bike route.

Dimanche 12 août c'est le Triathlon de Verdun. Il y aura des fermetures de rues, mais le culte continuera à SouthWest à l'heure habituelle (10h). Le boulevard Lasalle sera fermé, mais l'accès au boulevard Champlain sera accessible par les rues Leclair et Crawford. Les itinéraires de bus peuvent être perturbés et le stationnement sera interdit dans certaines rues (mais pas Clémenceau). Même les marcheurs peuvent voir leurs itinéraires habituels bloqués, mais nous avons reçu des assurances de la part des organisateurs que les fidèles peuvent demander de l'aide aux bénévoles pour traverser la piste cyclable en toute sécurité.

The dark red line shows the bike route, which will be closed to traffic. The small red lines show intersections that will be closed.

The dark red line shows the bike route, which will be closed to traffic. The small red lines show intersections that will be closed.

Visite des jardins collectifs/ Tour of collective gardens

Samedi 18 août  de 15-18 h , nous prévoyons faire une visite de nos  jardins collectifs.  Nos partenaires, contacts, et participantES sont invité à venir visiter le fruit du  travail de nos membres.
La dernière étape de la tournée ce fera au jardin sur le toit du Repaire Jeunesse Dawson.
Nous serions honorés de votre présence! 

Saturday August 18th from 3 to 6PM, we will lead a tour of Un plant de tomate's collective gardens in Verdun. Our partners, contacts and participants are invited to come and see the fruits of our members' labour!
The last stop on the tour will be at the rooftop garden at Dawson Boys and Girls Club.
We would be honoured by your presence.

Réal Bonneville | Coordinateur,
Un plant de tomate à la fois

Tournée des jardins Collectifs.jpg

St. Columba House needs you: bikes and school supplies

From Lisa Byer, Executive Director of Saint Columba House:

Bill's Community Bikeshop, a St-Columba House project, wants your old bikes! Here at Bill's we rely on donated bicycles to keep the community moving. Whether it's tuning up old bikes and getting them safe and rideable again for sale at affordable prices, or salvaging parts and components from bikes that are too tired to keep on riding, Bill's Community Bikeshop relies on your donations to keep offering the services many Point St-Charles residents have come to depend on. If you or someone you know doesn't know what to do with that dusty old bike in the garage, please consider donating it to a community organization! All proceeds go towards St-Columba House.

To speak with Mat, our Bikeshop coordinator / mechanic, please call  514-932-6202 ext. 232, email, or send a message on the St-Columba House Facebook page.

As of August 1st, St-Columba will also be accepting donations of school supplies. Suggestions include: scotch tape, scissors, glue sticks, HB pencils, pencil cases, Hilroy copy books, duo tangs, etc. These can be dropped off at 2365 Grand Trunk (Point St-Charles) as of next Wednesday.


Heat Wave and Remembrance

As the vulnerable succumbed to the extreme high heat this week across Quebec, we pause to remember them, some 33 who died.
We light our candle at worship and hold them, their friends and families in our hearts and prayers.
We ask that neighbours and community show concern for those who are alone, and that our remembrance be a commitment to love our neighbour as we love God and ourselves.

A Heat Wave Prayer:
God of creation,
may the glistening beads of sweat upon our brow, remind us of our baptismal promises;
may the slowing of our paces and practices,
remind us of the sacredness of each moment;
and may the sweltering waves of heated air,
remind us of your Spirit which moves amongst us. 
Keep safe those who work and those who play this day, as we tend to our neighbours in need. Amen.
(Diocese of Niagara, 2013)

Rev. David

We're still in for some more hot days. For tips on how to protect yourself during a heat wave, see this pamphlet from the government of Quebec:

Mobile Brunch mobile

Some 200 people came by last Sunday for the St-Jean Baptiste mobile brunch. Whether Sikhs, Christians, people of other religions or no religion, this was neighbours meeting neighbours over food and table. The food was delicious - Thank you to all the cooks of all denominations! - and a good time was had by all.
Thanks to the team who hand-distributed flyers in Crawford Park, and to our MNA Mme. Melançon whose donation helped pay for the event.


Canada Day

Happy Canada Day!

On Canada Day we celebrate our country. 
We recognize the defining moments that have brought us together.
We reflect on how fortunate we are to be Canadian, and what we still need to do to make sure that everyone across this land shares in the same rights and opportunities.

Bonne fête du Canada!

En ce jour de la fête du Canada, nous célébrons notre pays.
Nous reconnaissons les moments déterminants qui nous ont réunis.
Nous réfléchissons à la chance que nous avons d’être Canadiens, et aussi à ce qui reste à faire pour que toute personee à travers ce pays ait accès aux mêmes droits et aux mêmes opportunités. 

This year's Canada Day Parade is on Sunday, July 1st at 11:00am, starting at the corner of St.Catherine and Fort streets, and ending at Place du Canada, where the festivities continue:

Between 1:30 p.m. and 2 p.m., the parade wraps up at Place du Canada and a huge cake measuring 1.22 metres by 2.44 metres (4' by 8') will be served. It's expected to feed up to 2,500 people.

There will also be face painting and caricatures for kids on site.

All activities, cake and water are free of charge (but bring your own reusable water bottle anyway: it's better for the environment, and it's going to be hot and humid out).

Verdun's own Legion #4 is hosting an Open House in honour of Canada Day, starting at 3pm on Sunday. Join the celebration and enjoy the music of Rick Tennant.




Mini-market June 20th

Please join us June 20th for a celebratory Welcome Wednesday. What are we celebrating, you ask? How about everything we've been able to accomplish over the school year that's coming to an end?
We celebrate the time, energy and creativity that Sheila, Maurice, Mackie and others put into the Mini-market every two weeks. From ordering, to setting up and decorating (often on a seasonal theme) to keeping accounts, this has been a colossal task that could only have been accomplished by teamwork.
We celebrate the vision and initiative of our Kitchen Coordinator, Leonore, who guided teams of cooks, working with whatever ingredients were on hand, to produce tasty nutritious community lunches.  By bringing our kitchen up to MAPAQ standards, she was able to revive our partnership with Moisson Montreal, and to obtain meat and fresh produce as well as non-perishables, from them and other organizations. Wednesday lunch went from being every two weeks to every week, attracting a diverse and enthusiastic crowd.
We celebrate Frank, Kathy, Darlene, Lily and others, who have helped organize sales big and small over the year that bring in revenue and help us pay our rent at the Mission! 

As you have probably heard by now, the Mission is part of a renovation project at Verdun Elementary that begins the last week of June. as a result we will be shutting down from June 30th through July 15th, and will have to modify our activities for the rest of the summer. Wednesday's Mini-market will unfortunately be the last until August 1st. This week there will be books and knick-knacks for sale but they will also disappear after that, to return in August.
After June 20th, the formal lunches are suspended until the fall, but we will be having light salad meals outdoors every Wednesday through the summer.

We even celebrate the renovations because, despite any inconvenience, they will ultimately provide a more pleasant environment for us to continue working in. We embrace the challenges of the summer as we look ahead to all we will accomplish in the next school year!

Please click to download the price list for next Wednesday's Mini-market:


Are you from Verdun or the surrounding areas?
Do you have a story to tell?
Of course you do!

Literacy Quebec and the Suspicious Fish have teamed up to create the Community Led Storytelling Workshop. They will be holding a series of gatherings to share stories, participate in writing workshops and more! The next one is being held at SouthWest Mission next Thursday, June 21st at 3PM. All ages and backgrounds welcome. Use the contact info on poster below to find out more.


Visite guidée des serres de Verdun

Il me fait plaisir de vous transmettre l'information concernant la visite guidée que nous organisons ce samedi 16 juin, de midi à 13h, aux serres municipales de Verdun pour présenter le tout nouveau centre de ressources en agriculture urbaine de Verdun, GRAND POTAGER

Découvrez le Grand Potager: Centre d’agriculture urbaine au coeur de Verdun!


21 organismes-membres utilisant l'espace, rencontrez certains membres et visitez les serres. Découvrez des projets d’aquaponie, compostage, plantes rares et exotiques, herboristerie, arbres fruitiers tropicaux, pépinière dédiée aux plantes comestibles et plus! Un lieu unique à Montréal, au coeur de Verdun! Réservez votre place dès maintenant sur EVENTBRITE!


Visite bilingue

Seniors and Trees Video Project

From Westmount Park United Church:

Do trees have meaningful memories for you?
We want to hear your stories.

If you are a senior interested in participating please contact: Gabriel at 514-222-8064 or

Video recording sessions will take place at Westmount Park United Church, 4695 Boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest on June 21st 2018. Another video session will take place in the second half of August 2018.

Organized by Westmount Park Church’s Living Church Program and sponsored by the Kelley Trust.
